Newspaper clipping transcribed in full.
Name, constitution and officers to be chosen in Winnipeg To-day
War heroes seek to follow course outlined by Haig for National Service
Canadian Press Despatch - Winnipeg, Man. Nov. 26 - Pledged to the principle of unity of all war veterans' organizations in Canada, the national unity conference under the chairmanship of Lieut.-General Sir Richard Turner, V.C., of Quebec, started this
morning to consider important details of the new plan, including the selection of a name, the adoption of a constitution and the election of national officers. The principal of unity was adopted in a. resolution passed at last night's session of the
conference. There are 48 delegates attending the meeting, and the vote was 35 to 11. The resolution sanctioned follows the policy of Field Marshall Earl Haig. , as outlined at the last annual meeting of the Gret War Veterans' Association in Ottawa, when
he urged unity amongst ex-service men to advance the generally held ideal of national service.
The resolution was adopted after an all day debate during which Brig. General W.A. Griesbach, dominion president of the army and veterans in Canada; Capt. Norman Dingle, Imperial veterans in Canada; Col. the Rev. R.R.H. Steachy, dominion president of
the Grand Army of United Veterans' Association, and G. W. Waistell of Alberta, representing unorganized veterans, addressed the meeting.