This photograph was featured in the newspaper to show the "Indian Braves" that were ready to "fight for Canada and the Empire." The caption reads:"This is a group photograph of the nine full-blooded Blackfoot Indians from the reserve near Gleichen, who have enlisted with the 191st battalion, and who hope to induce some of their brother members of the tribe to join with them in the fight for freedom. From left to right, top row: Coming Singer, Crow Chief, Mills, Strangling Wolf, M. Foxhead. Bottom Row: N. King, [illegible], Lt. Col. W. C. Bryan, O.C., 191st battalion; Lance Corporal J. Mountain Horse." Mike
Foxhead is on the far right of the top row. In the First World War, Foxhead served with 191st Overseas Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force and was killed overseas.