(Indian Affairs, RG 10, Volume 6771, File 452-29, accessed through Héritage.canadiana.ca.)
The letter is transcribed in full.
Indian Agents Office
Blackfoot Agency
Gleichen, Alta.
Stamped: Dept. of Indian Affairs Records Jan. 2 1919
Sir, --
In answer to your letter No. 452-124-1, dated December 16th, I beg to state, that 14 Indians from the Blackfoot Band enlisted, but that 13 of them were released.
The remaining one, Mike Fox Head, went overseas, and was killed in action.
The Band has contributed, $4200.00 towards the Red Cross and Patriotic Funds, during the war.
I am enclosing a clipping from our local paper, regarding the work that the Indians have offered to do towards helping on our Memorial monument, i.e, excavating for the foundation, hauling some 15 leads of gravel, and 5 leads sand, supplying, mixing,
and doing all work in connection with the concrete, of course, under the supervision of a competent man.
Your obedient servant,
Indian Agent. Deputy Superintendent General, Ottawa, Ontario.